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Digital drivers, designed for mounting on a proportional valve without a transducer solenoid's DIN connection. Drivers supply and control the current to a solenoid according to the electronic reference input signal. The solenoid, proportionally transforms the current into a force, acting on a valve's spool or poppet, against a reacting spring, thus, providing the valve's hydraulic regulation.

E-MI-AS drivers can drive a single or double solenoid proportional valve.  


Analog drivers control the current supplied to the solenoid of Atos proportional valves without a pressure or LVDT position transducer, regulating the spool's position, flow, or pressure, according to the electronic reference signal.


Digital drivers control the current supplied to the solenoid of Atos proportional valves without transducers, according to the input reference signal. The solenoid, proportionally transforms the current onto a force, acting on the valve's spool or poppet, against a reacting spring, thus providing the hydraulic regulation. E-BM-AS can drive up to two single or one double solenoid proportional valves.


Digital drivers control the current supplied to the solenoid of Atos proportional valves without transducers, according to the input reference signal. E-BM-AES controls direct and pilot operated proportional valves ZO-A without a transducer. The driver can be configured following specific application requirements via the Atos PC software.
