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Доставка товара за 1-2 недели
   € 924.00

Остатки на складах (шт.): Вильнюс 0 Григишкес 0 Каунас 0 Шяуляй 0

Pallet Truck with electronic weight indicator, stationary, and mobile weighing with the accuracy of 0,5% of the total weight from 1 kg graduation.

Tara function allows the addition or withdrawal from the net weight. 4 load cells provide accurate weighing of uneven loads.
The built-in batteries are charged with external chargers.
Capacity: 2000 kg
Fork length: 1150 mm
Fork width: 545/162 mm
Accuracy: 0,5%
Weight: 106 kg
Steering wheel: PU
Fork wheel: Boggie PU

Cross reference:
AC20S Silverstone

AC20S Pallet truck scale Silverstone DP093625